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THE POLO MARKET is here to make buying and selling polo horses easier, safer and more transparent.


Whether you’re a complete beginner or have been playing for years, we want to make the experience easier and more efficient for everyone.


There is no ‘one-stop-shop’ for buying and selling polo horses, until now.

There is no shortage of people looking to buy and sell horses for polo but the market is highly fragmented and lacks transparency. Many horses are still sold through social media, informal online forums and via word of mouth. For buyers this means its hard to know the full range of horses available at any given time and for sellers it means you will never have access to all possible buyers.


Social media posts and online forums often contain very limited and inconsistent levels of information offering buyers little or no history of the horses on offer. For sellers, it’s highly inefficient and often results in time wasted by inappropriate enquiries. To compound the problem, some social media companies are removing advertisements that contravene their policies restricting the sale of animal  on their platforms.


Buying and selling horses is an unregulated activity.  The global market place has huge information asymmetry between sellers and buyers.  Unfortunately, there are still people exploiting that asymmetry. Sellers can charge as much as they like for a horse, irrespective of its true market value. And buyers often pay well over the odds for a horse.


THE POLO MARKET seeks to address his market failure. To provide an online platform offering the largest possible choice for the buyers and sellers. Whether your want to spend a few thousand pounds for an entry level horse or have upwards of £250,000 to spend, THE POLO MARKET is here for you


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I’m Justin, Founder of THE POLO MARKET. I’ve been playing polo for over a decade and for me, polo is more than just a hobby; it’s my passion.


I’ve been fortunate enough to have had some incredible experiences playing all over the world, including in Argentina and Dubai.  Today I have my own team and play 6-12 goal in England.


I founded THE POLO MARKET out of frustration from my own experience of buying and selling polo horses.  


I’ve experienced first hand how difficult it can be to break into polo and finding horses is one of many challenges facing new players. When I started playing, I made many mistakes and want to help others to avoid doing the same.

The vast majority of people I have met in polo have been decent and trustworthy. Many players, club staff, grooms and breeders have contributed to my polo development and will continue to do so.  However, there is a minority who will look to exploit newcomers for financial gain. 

I want THE POLO MARKET to make buying and selling horses easy transparent and safe for everyone. That is my mission

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